
Species features

Typically, a plan is likely to require sections describing flora, fauna (with sub-sections as necessary) and particular species communities or assemblages.

The style of this section depends on the audience for which the plan is being written. Frequently, plan authors use simple, easily understood statements which make their value clear to a broad spectrum of readers. For example: Site A is “probably the richest site in the country for invertebrates and fungi. More than half of the total native beetle fauna is found there.”

Since a plan which will largely be seen and used by colleagues and other professional nature conservationists, it can be wise to use more technical language. Furthermore, while long lists of species may simply make the plan too big, references could (and perhaps should) be made to other sources of more detailed information. However, information on the location of sensitive rare species might best be generalised or avoided altogether.

Links to examples of good practice
